Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Barbara gray blog, Altered art, Art tutorials

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. (With images) Parchment cards, Cards handmade, Barbara

Barbara Gray Blog One Day At A Time. Browsed by Month: August 2021. Magic Moment - Offer of the Week Magic Moment - Offer of the Week. 31st August 2021 Barbara Gray Comments 7 Comments. Hi there Thanks for popping in. Here's a delightful collection, illustrated by dear Mel Turner, which is just lovely! I remember when Mel brought these.

B Barbara Gray Blog, Grey, Gray

Artwork designed by Barbara Gray using Clarity stamps and products. The home of clear stamps.

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Stamp design, Barbara gray blog, Stamp projects

Join Barbara and Paul for an hour of Claritystamp! Don't miss out on the brand new Time Collection along with many of your favourite stencils, ink pads and m.

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Feather cards, Stamp projects, Barbara gray blog

Barbara Gray Blog One Day At A Time. What a great gathering! What a great gathering! 19th October 2021 Barbara Gray Comments 32 Comments. Hi there, Thanks for popping in. What a fab 2 days we have just had! Such lovely artwork! And such a buzz of creative energy!

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Parchment cards, Parchment craft, Barbara gray blog

30th December 2019 30th December 2019 Clarity 4 Comments Barbara Gray Blog, Christmas, Clarity Towers, Facebook, New Year's Day, New Year's Eve. Good morning everyone, and a happy Monday. Jordan here. How are we all faring? Looking forward to your New Year's. Read more. Stamps .

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Time to make a scene. Stamp projects, Clarity card

Jun 22, 2021 - Clarity Stamps, etc. See more ideas about barbara gray blog, barbara gray, clarity card.

gelliplate monoprinting Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Barbara gray blog, Barbara

Barbara Gray · January 20, 2021 · · January 20, 2021 ·

One Day At A Time

Barbara Gray Blog One Day At A Time. Flower Frames from Tina Flower Frames from Tina. 21st October 2023 Barbara Gray Comments 14 Comments. Hi there, Thanks for popping in. Just a quick reminder on this rainy day, that Tina will be spreading a little sunshine for you this afternoon! She will be on Create & Craft at 1pm & 5pm today, shining a.

A New Mate!! Barbara Gray Blog Embossing techniques, Parchment cards, Parchment craft

Toggle navigation Barbara Gray Blog. Home;; Barbara Gray Blog One Day At A Time. Happy ABC! Happy ABC! 9th January 2024 Barbara Gray Comments 16 Comments. Hi there Thanks for popping in. I hope you're in the warm, and safe. The dreaded L for Lurgy finally caught me, so I'm staying home and drinking lots of ginger T for tea!

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Two Trees only... (With images) Barbara gray blog

Barbara Gray. 6,312 likes · 106 talking about this. Barbara Gray - Artist, Designer, Crafter and Presenter

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Stamp design, Barbara gray blog, Stamped cards

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Got back from the States this morning, after a three week break. It was the first time in a long time that Dave and I have stepped away from Clarity for that long, and although our time abroad was a healthy mix of business and pleasure, it has certainly been hugely beneficial - at many levels.

Barbara gray blog, Grey artwork, Creative cards

Hi everyone, Paul here. I hope you are all well and managed to catch a few of the shows on Create & Craft the past few days. Just a reminder that I will be live on Facebook and YouTube tonight at 7pm with the next Craft Along using Linda Williams' Layering Frames Set 3 - Oriental This is the card we will be working towards If you want to Craft Along, I have created a list of ingredients.

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Hares in a Tangle... Barbara gray, Barbara gray blog

Toggle navigation Barbara Gray Blog. Home;; Barbara Gray Blog One Day At A Time. Happy ABC! Happy ABC! 9th January 2024 Barbara Gray Comments 13 Comments. Hi there Thanks for popping in. I hope you're in the warm, and safe. The dreaded L for Lurgy finally caught me, so I'm staying home and drinking lots of ginger T for tea!

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. A little Bird told me... Little bird, Barbara gray

Barbara Gray Blog One Day At A Time. The best of the best of the best! The best of the best of the best! 18th April 2023 Barbara Gray Comments 8 Comments. Hi there. Thanks for popping in. I can't tell you how much I love these designs! Every single one. Our dear friend Mel Turner drew these. They come as 3-way overlay stamps and stencils too.

Barbara Gray's Blog. One Day at a Time. Barbara gray blog, Clarity card, Stamp projects

Barbara Gray Blog One Day At A Time. Browsed by Author: Barbara Gray. One Day Special -Amazing Mini Mandalas One Day Special -Amazing Mini Mandalas. 21st December 2023 Barbara Gray Comments 4 Comments. Hi there Thanks for popping in! In a bid to start blogging daily, here's a quickie, just shining a light on this evening's TV Show at 6pm on.